Friday, May 15, 2020

6 Jobs in 2018 That Didnt Exist 10 Years Ago -

6 Jobs in 2018 That Didn’t Exist 10 Years Ago Photo Credit â€" Pexels.comThe world around us is continually evolving and growing, and that means many new opportunities are opening up. Be it from the advancement of modern technology or just fresh, innovative services that lead to new career and job fields, as well.Believe it or not, there are quite a few jobs or careers that exist today, in 2018, that weren’t around just five years ago. Here are six of the most promising ones.1. iOS and Android DeveloperevalWhile mobile development and platforms have been around for a long time â€" iOS and Android took off in 2008 â€" their potential has reached an unprecedented level over the past few years. Not to mention, mobile development was more of a general focus as opposed to specialization. Programming and software development comes in many forms, and some of those opportunities are recent â€" iOS and Android being two of them.evaliOS development has seen a growth rate of 142 percent over the past five years, while Android development has seen a 199 percent growth rate.It is entirely possible to undergo training, education programs and even enter the workforce specializing in â€" you guessed it â€" one of these mobile platforms. For those already in software development, it’s not unheard of for professionals to switch gears and become iOS or Android app developers.Android requires knowledge of Java or Kotlin, the two official languages of the platform. iOS needs Objective-C or C. Alternatively; you can specialize in Swift, which is Apple’s official language for all macOS, iOS, watchOS and tvOS platforms.2. Social Media MarketerGone are the days where you need to hire a bonafide marketing expert to control and manage your social media accounts. You still can if that’s what you prefer, however, many new opportunities have developed as these channels matured.Social media interns, community influencers, and even low-level marketers are finding regular work, and it often benefits both parties in a relationship â€" the employees and the business. Businesses can take advantage of talented, up-and-coming social marketers while keeping their budgets manageable. These interns or fresh hires gain the necessary experience and fieldwork they need to advance their careers.It’s still a great idea to hire a skilled professional to handle your accounts, but the point is the talent pool is growing. This is something that was nearly unheard of just five years ago, as many were merely getting over the idea of hiring managers for social at all. Today, it’s grown to a point where brands and companies are willing to take risks and engage outside the usual circles.This may be slightly unrelated, but it’s worth noting that several other internet-based fields have arisen alongside social media management. The connected, always-on nature of the internet has helped to produce many fresh opportunities. This includes a community or online activity manager, content manager, virtual reality consultant, cloud services specialist and even user experience managers.3. Marijuana Doctor or Dispensary OwnerevalForget five years ago, even just two or three years ago it was almost unheard of to have a real career in the world of marijuana â€" medicinal and recreational â€" but here we are.Colorado and Washington became the first two states to legalize the substance recreationally in 2012, and now the market is bustling with activity.For recreational purposes, legal states include Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California, Alaska, Maine, Vermont, and Massachusetts. Washington, D.C., has also legalized recreational cannabis.The medicinal-use only states are Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, West Virginia, Maryland, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Hawaii, New Jersey and Delaware. A few of the medicinal only states will soon push to recreational use, as well.evalThe point is, society has become more aware and more knowledgeable about marijuana, which has helped to introduce many new opportunities. We now need doctors who can prescribe marijuana and work with patients to use it properly.The market has openings on the service side, which calls for dispensary owners, workers, and even development. The industry also needs people to grow and nurture the plant in varying forms, then turn it into usable medicine.4. Data ScientistComputer science used to be a single career field. That’s no longer the case. It has been divvied up in many ways, namely in online or service-based specialties versus the more conventional ones like a computer or electrical engineering. One of the more promising fields is data science.The processing of information and data has always been a necessity. Naturally, our growing reliance on digital content has excited their role in the modern world.Data scientists are no longer just optional â€" they are necessary, especially for organizations that want to make sense of the f lood of information they now have.This includes data in all forms, from customer experience summaries and marketing statistics to business operation plans and future strategies.A wide variety of systems, devices, and platforms are continually collecting and storing information, which someone must process and translate for it to be of any use.If you want to be technically accurate, 2013 is when the data science industry started kicking off. But over the last few years, it has grown so much that practically every major business is looking to data science experts and data engineers. IBM predicts that the demand for data scientists will grow by 28 percent or more leading into 2020.eval5. Fitness and Health ExpertYou’d think that all the top career opportunities stem from technology, right? Well, people are growing more interested in their health and development, too.evalOver the past few years, fitness and health experts have become incredibly popular and continue to be in high demand .According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, fitness trainers and instructor opportunities have seen continued growth rates of 10 percent or more from 2016 and beyond.The beauty of working in health and fitness is that there are so many different opportunities, and you don’t have to specialize in one thing. You could, for instance, choose to be a Zumba class instructor as opposed to a personal trainer. It’s also possible to become a Beachbody coach, working with Beachbody LLC, the company renowned for the P90X fitness series.Dieticians help with eating correctly and fueling the body with healthy foods. Fitness and exercise coaches keep people active, losing weight and improving their metabolism. Media-based coaches produce and engage with audiences via health shows. The list goes on and on.Don’t think you have to be huddled in a cubicle, staring at a monitor all day long. That’s not the only way to make a living! Immense growth in the world of fitness over the past few year s has shown being active is equally important. Which, honestly, we’ve known all along.eval6. UI and UX DesignerGraphics and web designers are definitely in high demand these days. But, there’s another aspect to the field that has become increasingly popular. The emergence of platforms that use touch controls via mobile, voice controls, and intuitive user interfaces, necessitates experienced UI and UX developers.Yes, there’s a visual element to UI design. However, building a pleasant and convenient experience for audiences is also a significant concern. That, in and of itself, calls for developers who can handle both avenues.Designers need to be talented and knowledgeable about software development, and vice versa for software developers. This new specialization is, naturally, called a UI and UX designer.As people grow more reliant on technology, the demand for UI and UX designers also sees immense growth. It’s easy to understand why, too, given all the apps and tools that ar e frustrating, cumbersome and just poorly designed. It highlights the need for an elevated, optimized experience or digital environment with which to interact.What Feeds Your Passion?These are six of the most promising career opportunities you’ll find thriving in today’s landscape. All of which didn’t exist a few years ago. All of them have seen tremendous growth, which also means they’re still budding and coming into their own.Many more opportunities may present themselves, especially if you decide to specialize in one of the fields mentioned above.It’s also important to remember you should pursue the opportunities that best fuel your passions and interests. If one of these opportunities speaks to you, then you should leap!

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