Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Coast Guard Fraternization Policies

Coast Guard Fraternization PoliciesCoast Guard Fraternization PoliciesUnited States Coast Guard fraternization policies are contained in chapter 8 of the Coast Guard Personnel Manual, COMDTINST 1000.6A. General Policies The Coast Guardattracts and retains highly qualified people with commonly shared values of honor, respect, and devotion to duty. These values anchor our cultural and Service norms and serve as a common foundation for our interpersonal relationships within the Coast Guard. We interact, communicate and work together as teams to accomplish our missions. Indeed, mission success depends on cultivating positive, professional relationships with our personnel. An environment of mutual respect and trust inspires teamwork, assures equal treatment, and grants service members the opportunity to excel. Professional interpersonal relationships always acknowledge military rank and reinforce respect for authority. Good leaders understand the privilege of unternehmensverbund rank requires exercising impartiality and objectivity. Interpersonal relationships which raise even a perception of unfairness undermine good leadership and military discipline. The Coast Guardhas relied on custom and tradition to establish boundaries of appropriate behavior in interpersonal relationships. Proper social interaction is encouraged to enhance unit morale and esprit de corps. Proper behavior between seniors and juniors, particularly between officers and enlisted personnel, enhances teamwork and strengthens respect for authority. By long-standing custom and tradition, commissioned officers, including warrant officers, have leadership responsibilities extending across the Service. Likewise, chief petty officers (E-7 to E-9) have a distinct leadership role, particularly within their assigned command. Both provide leadership leid just within the direct chain of command, but for a broader spectrum of the Service. Due to these broad leadership responsibilities, relationships invol ving officers or chief petty officers merit close attention. Sustaining a Professional Environment Coast Guardpolicy is to sustain a professional work environment which fosters mutual respect among all personnel, and in which decisions affecting personnel, in appearance and actuality, are based on sound leadership principles. Commanding Officers, officers-in-dienstgrad, and supervisors are expected to provide an environment which enhances positive interaction among all personnel through education, human relations training, and adherence to core values. Coast Guard policy on interpersonal relationships has been crafted to be as gender-neutral as possible. However, this approach may obscure one important issue the fundamental principle that interpersonal activities which are appropriate among men or among women are likewise appropriate among men and women. Positive social interaction among men has proved beneficial to the individuals and the organization in the past, and women sho uld be afforded equal opportunity to participate in these activities. Women must not be insulated or isolated from proper professional and social activities if the Coast Guard is to benefit from the full measure of their contributions. As people work together, different types of relationships arise. Professional relationships sometimes develop into personal relationships. Service custom recognizes that personal relationships, regardless of gender, are acceptable provided they do not, either in actuality or in appearance jeopardize the members impartiality,undermine the respect for authority inherent in a members rank or position,result in members improperly using the relationship for personal gain or favor, orviolate a punitive article of the UCMJ. The great variety of interpersonal relationships precludes listing every specific situation that members and commands may encounter. While some situations are clearly discernible and appropriate action is easily identified, others are mo re complex and do not lend themselves to simple solutions. Evaluating interpersonal relationships requires sound judgment by all personnel. Factors to consider in assessing the propriety of a relationship include the organizational relationship between the individuals whether one member can influence anothers personnel or disciplinary actions, assignments, benefits or privilegesthe relative rank and status of the individuals peers, officer/enlisted, CPO/junior enlisted, supervisor/ subordinate, military/civilian, instructor/student andthe character of the relationship (e.g., personal, romantic, marital). (a) Personal relationship Non-intimate, non-romantic association between two or more people (of the same gender or not), such as occasional attendance at recreational or entertainment events (movies, ball games, concerts, etc.) or meals. (Does not involve conduct which violates the UCMJ.) (b) Romantic relationship Cross-gender sexual or amorous relationship. (Does not involve conduc t which violates the UCMJ.) (c) Unacceptable relationship Inappropriate and not allowed under Service policy. entschlieung normally administrative. The relationship must be terminated or otherwise resolved once recognized. (d) Prohibited relationship Violates the UCMJ. Resolution may be either administrative, punitive, or both as circumstances warrant. Romantic Relationship Policy Relationships cross gender lines, can develop into romantic relationships, and even lead to marriage. A relationship, including marriage, does not violate Service policy unless the relationship or the members conduct fails to meet the standards set by this section, standards of conduct set by the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), or other regulations. Romantic Relationships Between Members are Unacceptable When members have a supervisor/subordinate relationship (including periodic supervision of duty section or watch standing personnel), ormembers are assigned to the same small shore unit (less than 60 members), ormembers are assigned to the same cutter, orthe relationship is manifested in the work environment in a way which disrupts the effective conduct of daily business. The nature of operations and personnel interactions on cutters and small shore units makes romantic relationships between members assigned to such units the equivalent of relationships in the chain of command and, therefore, unacceptable. This policy applies regardless of rank, grade, or position. This policy applies to Reservists in an active status, whether or not on duty. Romantic relationships between chief petty officers (E-7/8/9) and junior enlisted personnel (E-4 and below) are unacceptable. Coast Guard policy prohibits the following relationships or conduct, regardless of rank, grade, or position of the persons involved Engaging in sexually intimate behavior aboard any Coast Guard vessel, or in any Coast Guard- controlled workplace.Romantic relationships outside of marriage between commissioned officers and enlisted personnel. For the purposes of this paragraph, Coast Guard Academy cadets and officer candidates (both OCS and ROCI) are considered officers.Personal and romantic relationships between instructors at training commands and students. Service members married to Service members, or otherwise closely related (e.g., parent/child, siblings), shall maintain requisite respect and decorum attending the official military relationship between them while either is on duty or in uniform in public. Members married to members or otherwise closely related shall not be assigned in the same chain of command. Acceptable vs. Unacceptable Relationships Examples of acceptable personal relationships Two crewmembers going to an occasional movie, dinner, concert, or another social event.Members jogging or participating in wellness or recreational activities together. Examples of unacceptable relationships Supervisors and subordinates in private business together.Supervisors and sub ordinates in a romantic relationship. Examples of unacceptable conduct Supervisors and subordinates gambling together.Members lending or borrowing money for profit or benefit of any kind.Giving or receiving gifts, except gifts of nominal value on special occasions.Changing duty rosters or work schedules to the benefit of one or more members in a relationship when other members of the command are not afforded the same consideration. Fraternization Policies Fraternizationdescribes the criminal prohibition of certain conduct between officers and enlisted personnel set out in the UCMJ. Interpersonal relationships between officer and enlisted personnel and fraternization are not synonymous. Fraternization does not apply exclusively to male-female relationships, but a much broader range of inappropriate conduct. (While not an exhaustive listing, see above) The elements of the offense of fraternization specified in the Manual for Courts-martial can be found in parte 1 of this article. The custom of the Service accepts personal relationships between officer and enlisted personnel, regardless of gender, if they do not violate the provisions shown above. Relationships in conflict with those provisions violate the custom of the Service. The custom of the Service prohibits romantic relationships outside of marriage between officers and enlisted personnel. It includes such relationships with members of other military services. Officer/enlisted romantic relationships undermine the respect for authority which is essential for the Coast Guard to accomplish its military mission. The custom of the Service accepts officer/enlisted marriages which occur before the officer receives a commission. Lawful marriage between an officer and enlisted service member does not create a presumption of misconduct or fraternization. However, misconduct, including fraternization, is neither excused nor mitigated by subsequent marriage. Responsibility for Avoiding Unacceptable Relationship s All personnel is responsible for avoiding unacceptable or prohibited relationships. Primary responsibility rests with the senior member. Seniors throughout the chain of command shall attend to their associations and ensure they support the chain of command, good order, and discipline. Personnel finding themselves involved in or contemplating unacceptable relationships should report the situation and seek early resolution from their supervisor, commanding officer, officer-in-charge, command enlisted advisor, or Coast Guard chaplain. Any potential conflict with Coast Guard policy should be addressed promptly. Commands are expected to assist members in understanding Coast Guard policy requirements and resolving conflicts. Bringing an unacceptable relationship to early Command attention will increase the opportunity for early, positive resolution. USCG Regulations specifically charge commanding officers and officers in charge with responsibility for their commands safety, efficiency, discipline, and well-being. They should take prompt, appropriate action to resolve conduct which does not comply with the provisions of this section. Interpersonal relationships involving Academy and TrainingCenter staff and students are particularly susceptible to abuse by the senior member. The Superintendent of the Academy and commanding officers of training commands may issue local directives further restricting or prohibiting such relationships as they deem appropriate. The Superintendent of the Academy may issue supplemental regulations addressing cadet relationships, including when cadets are in training situations aboard other Coast Guard units. Resolving Unacceptable Relationships GeneralAvoiding unacceptable personal relationships is in the best interest of all concerned. Training, counseling, and administrative actions help prevent unacceptable personal relationships or minimize detrimental effects when unacceptable relationships develop. Prompt resolution at the low est level possible is desirable. TrainingAvoiding unacceptable and prohibited interpersonal relationships requires that personnel clearly understand Coast Guard policy and its application. The unit training program is an ideal forum to accomplish this. Training on FRATERNIZATION AND INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS shall be conducted at all officer and enlisted accession points and at resident training courses (leadership school, A and C schools, etc.). Training at other units is strongly encouraged. CounselingEarly counseling often can resolve potential concerns about the characteristics of a relationship and appropriate actions to ensure the relationship develops in a manner consistent with Service custom. Counseling may be informal or more formal, including written documentation by Administrative Remarks (Form CG-3307) or an Administrative Letter of Censure. Counseling may include a direct order to terminate a relationship. Personnel ReassignmentMembers may request, or a command may r ecommend reassignment of a member involved in a questionable relationship. However, reassignment is not a preferred option. The Coast Guard is not obligated to reassign personnel due to members desires or based solely on a relationship. When reassignment is not an option, members may be directed to end a relationship. EvaluationsWhen members do not respond favorably to counseling, comments, and marksin officer and enlisted evaluations may be appropriate. Other Administrative ActionAs warranted, commands may recommend separation, removal or withdrawal of advancement recommendations, appointment to another status, or promotions. Disciplinary ActionNonjudicial punishment or courts-martial may address fraternization or other unlawful or prohibited relationships or conduct.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

How Important Is Salary When You Decide to Switch Jobs

How Important Is Salary When You Decide to Switch JobsHow Important Is Salary When You Decide to Switch Jobs?How Important Is Salary When You Decide to Switch JobsMy recent post, Whats Most Important in Accepting a Job Offer?, highlighted the similarities and differences between employers and job seekers on the top reasons people want to work for a company. The number one reason for both groups A competitive base pay.Salary is important to most job seekers how important is another question. There are trade-offs that might be more valuable. For example, many years ago, I switched jobs for a 6% salary cut, but better benefits and corporate culture, as well as greater growth potential. It turned out to be a very good career move.poll32

Saturday, December 21, 2019

263 words you should read if you are really sick of your job

263 words you should read if you are really sick of your job263 words you should read if you are really sick of your jobAt 212 P.M., I considered leaping out the 3rd story window.Maybe jumping out would make me feel something. I had forgotten what it was like to feel things.And it was only 2 months into my first corporate job.During that time, I griped a lot. I wondered why nobody got it.Then, one afternoon I was either hiding from work in the breakroom or sneaking another round of Candy Crush from the toilet, a thought popped into my head like a lightbulbI am not owned. I am anowner.This idea still permeates within me. I cannot turn it off.CEO? What CEO? I am Todd Brison Inc.Boss? What boss? I have an equal say in how my time is spent.Timesheet? What timesheet? I will spend the hours necessary.Every piece of work with my name on it is either a glaring indictment of indifference or glowing bastion of quality. What I do affects the future and current prospects of Todd Brison.I do this not because I want to impress someoneor because Im angling for a 1.5% pay raise.or because I was told to.No, my heart, blood, and guts get dumped into everything I touch because of an ineffable desire within to improve day after day after day after day.My name means something.My time means something.My work means something.And yours does too.You are not owned. You are an owner.Act like one.This article originally appeared on Medium.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Trust is a choice 7 ways to build trust with others

Trust is a choice 7 ways to build trust with othersTrust is a choice 7 ways to build trust with othersFBI agents spend a great deal of time learning how to build trust with others. For that reason an agents most useful investigative tool is the interview. This is where trust is built - nose to nose, knee to knee. We need information from the people we talk to, and they need to know they can trust us in return.Trust is at the heart of every geschftliches miteinander because trust forms the basis of every relationship. Entrepreneurs, small business owners, and leaders need to work with people both inside and outside of their organization to create mutually beneficial relationships.Trust is a choice. If we know how to build trust with others, it means they have confidence that we will keep our word. They trust that we are exactly who we say we are, and that we wont desert them when times get tough.Trust is give and take. It means youve found a way to relate to other people in a way tha t is meaningful to them.One of todays most essential skills is to learn how to build trust with others. Here are 7 ways that I have found useful in highly volatile situations that were filled with uncertainty, and where trust was critical1. Follow through with actionsThe reason you build trust with others is so that people know that you will follow through when youre assigned a task. You earn a reputation as someone who doesnt break your commitment.If you do need to break a commitment, communicate it early and treat it as renegotiation. With consistent follow through with actions, you are seen as someone who is reliable and trustworthy.How To Make It Work For You Its as simple as this - keep your word. Not only does this strategy communicate to others that you respect their time as much as your own, it signals that you expect the same consideration from them.2. Develop good communication skillsIts important to never leave a conversation until all parties are clear on what is expect ed of them. This is crucial in any negotiation or settlement discussions. Clarify the agreement because if someones expectations are not met, trust is forfeited. This is most common when sensitive issues like money are involved in the conversation.We learn how to build trust with others by give and take. Trust doesnt happen when you avoid the difficult details and hope the other person understands. Trust is built when you have the difficult conversation and youre able to communicate why the conversation is important.How To Make It Work For You Very often the message we send to others is not the one we intended to send. If youre not sure how you come across, ask a friend to listen to you and get their feedback.Just as often, even if we do send the right message, the way in which the other person perceives it might convey a different meaning to them. Before you leave a conversation, loop back and say, This is what I heard you say is that accurate?3. Practice patienceAs the spokespers on for the FBI in Northern California, I experienced incredible pressure from reporters to meet deadlines. As a result, I became inflexible and short-tempered with the people around me. It became difficult to build trust with others because the message I sent was that my time was mora important than theirs.The rush to get things done tends to create an uncomfortable environment. Its easy for people to feel left out or unimportant if they cant make a direct contribution to the crisis at hand.How To Make It Work For You Pressure can be good, but too much of it can leave a person impatient and inflexible. It takes time to build trust with others so make them feel just as important as the crisis that lurks over your shoulder. Youll always have a crisis to handle you may not have another opportunity to gain that persons trust in you.4. Establish a culture of purposeSuccessful business owners understand that their company exists because it improves the lives of their customers. The only r eason a customer or client pays for the companys services is because it provides a clear benefit.Chris Edmonds talks about the importance of a healthy, purposeful culture in his book, The Culture Engine. Organizations that are successful dont try to make their people happy at work. Instead, they create a culture where trust is produced because they share a clearly stated purpose.The culture of purpose for FBI agents is Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity. Once any one of those tenants is abrogated or compromised, there is a breakdown of trust. Read current news to understand that this is what the FBI is experiencing at the present moment.How To Make It Work For You Create a purpose narrative that reinforces the reason your company or work group exists. It helps to build trust with others when you find colleagues or customers who were helped by someone in your department or company and then share these stories with others.5. Mirror other peopleA good way to build trust with others is to mirror their mannerisms. Neuro-linguistic researchers have found links between our mind, language, and behavior. The three primary modes through which people react to the world around them are visual (seeing), auditory (hearing), and kinesthetic (feeling).These sensory channels become important when we built trust with others because they help us relate to people in a way that is meaningful to them. Pay attention to the language that a person uses- chances are, they will follow one of the following three patterns in their speech.Sounds like a lot of information.Looks like a lot to learn.Feels like mora than I can handle.How To Make It Work For You If someone expresses themselves using a feeling word, use a feeling word to respond. If someone is an auditory person, use sounds to bring home your point it sounds like a thousand people in the room. For visual people, ask them what the issue looks like to them.6. Notice their wordsWhen people are passionate about something, they use words that are freighted with meaning. The first step is to notice the words they use that are full of energy. Here are some energy words another person may use in a conversation that point to their emotional stateDisappointedBaffledCautiousConfusedGratefulHesitantInterestedRelaxedSurprisedUncertainNervousThe list goes on How To Make It Work For You After you have noticed the way a person uses an energy word, repeat it, and then pause. When you repeat the word, and then pause, it alerts them to the fact that you 1) notice their concern, 2) have validated it, and 3) given them an opportunity to further elaborate.7. Admit you dont have all the answersIt takes genuine confidence in yourself to admit you dont know something, but this simple act of trust on your part speaks volumes to the people who hear it. Your team will understand that you are an honest and open person.When you show your vulnerabilities, it helps to build trust with others because they will see you as someone like the m, someone who doesnt have all the answers.How To Make It Work For You Trust is reciprocal, so the more you trust others, they more likely they will trust you. Trusting others also requires you to take a risk because you cannot always predict their response.Thisarticlefirst appeared onLaRaeQuy.com.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

FOBO is secretly ruining your life heres how to escape it

FOBO is secretly ruining your life heres how to escape itFOBO is secretly ruining your life heres how to escape itYou only let yourself buy one novel at a time when you go to the bookstore, so you scour the shelves for hours (to the point of exhaustion), trying to make sure that you pick the absolute best read.Youre brilliant enough to have multiple new job offers, but instead of feeling proud of yourself, youre stressed AF writing out all of those pro/con lists to confirm that youre making the true best choice.You have a Bumble date offer on the table, but are anxious about committing because its possible that another, more enticing offer could come along for the same night.You, dear friend, are dealing with some serious FOBO the fear of better options.Now, FOBO isnt all bad. According to The New York Times columnist Tim Herrera, people who are all about the maximization of potential outcomes do tend to make the better choices in life. The problem, though, arises once that choice is finally made. Because of all of that stress and run-around, you enjoy the result a hell of a lot less than you would if you had just used your natural instincts and made your decision with your gut earlier on in the process.So how do you make the drawbacks of this decision fatigue disappear, you ask?It all comes down to determining your personal threshold for your choices that you wont kiste below. Ask yourself what minimum will still feel good enough to you to make you happy with your end decisions, so when new opportunities arise to pick and choose, youre arent as inclined to hold out for the best of the best. Because in reality, the middle-of-the-road option is usually perfectly fine and will give you what you need.Give it a try. Buy the third book you pick up rather than the twentieth. Go with the job that fuels your passions and then negotiate the benefits that will boost your bank account. And give that Bumble date a chance. You never know how itll end up.This article origi nally appeared on Swirled.com.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Fight Against Office Resume

The Fight Against arbeitszimmer Resume The Hidden Gem of Office Resume Now you can select from our wide selection of templates the kind of spreadsheet you need and download them free in Microsoft Excel format and modify them according to your requirements. More than a few companies take a particular format, so make aya to inspect the format they want and use it. Creating spreadsheets take lots of effort. Utilizing Word, you can produce your own templates for just about any application, including resumes. Before getting into the center of a work hunt, its advisable to assemble a thorough plan, along the lines of a company program. You are just about to write the ideal office assistant resume For the very first time in your life, you will have complete well-being, dental, and vision insurance. With all these applicants for an employer to pick from, it is not enough that your resume matches the work description it should grab their attention. Know that your resume is only on e of the numerous that the recruiter may receive, which means you will need to be sure you hit the nail on the head by means of your objective or else you might not be noticed by the employer. Office Resume Can Be Fun for Everyone Our resume builder will provide you with tips and examples on how best to compose your resume summary. Youd need to do the formatting work yourself. You need to choose the correct particulars. When you have added your details and work experience, you may also save your resume as PDF if you desire. Following that, it has to impress the hiring manager with information which is relevant to them. Generally, lots of the employers are seeking the ideal warehouse workers which are in a distributionspolitik to throw themselves in the job totally free of compromise of efficiency and safety. Most significantly, it aids the hiring manager quickly grasp the reach of the applicants experiences. Theres a variety of jobs within a warehouse, but most warehouse w orkers take on several unique tasks to accomplish the job. The 30-Second Trick for Office Resume Also attempt to discover the name and title of the person who will review your resume. Thus, theres no need to attempt to build one resume profile or write a single profile title that fits every position you wish to submit an application for. Utilizing the proper format you would present your professional attitude and approach in everything that you do. Double check to ensure that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. Much like every job, employers seek employees that are dependable and dependable. The truth is that hiring managers search for certain patterns, and you will be better off if you take advantage of an organizational pattern thats both logical and simple to read. Large section titles make it simple for the recruiter to recognize the essential pieces. Also make sure you tailor the document to the job youre applying for. Office Resume Help You only have to be ready and be truthful in providing information especially in the event you have limitations or other exceptional circumstances. Your resume summary is among the most significant pieces of your resume. This information has to be included in application material. These suggestions apply to any kind of resume. The Basic Principles of Office Resume You Will be Able to Learn From Beginning Immediately There are a lot of free creative resume templates youll be able to use, allowing you to focus your energy on everything else you should do. Theres no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better probability of standing from the crowd even supposing its made utilizing a template. Rather than a typewriter, you will have to know your way around a wide variety of software applications. There are lots of beautiful resume templates out there, but nevertheless, it can be simple to feel as a lot of the greatest cost a ridiculous quantity of money, require special design programs in order to edit, or both. If youre a work seeker, applying for a job can be a trying approach. On the flip side, once the work applicant has strong experience, there is not any need to depend on the academic training any longer and it doesnt need to get mentioned. As soon as you determine the skills you need to concentrate on, do some research and see whether they line up with job requirements listed for the positions youre seeking. What are the skills necessary for BA. Employers start looking for business-related or law-related courses on the resumes of prospective candidates, in addition to technological know-how in that they can successfully operate a computer. Recruiters understand the character of competition. What to Expect From Office Resume? A great deal of times people only want to update a resume with a different appearance. When you have prepared and submitted your resume to an employer the hope is you will be requested to attend work interview to go over further whether youre going to be suitable. You can better your likelihood of getting interviews by composing specific resumes for various companies. Hiring managers are busy people and youve got a limited time to draw their focus to your candidacy. When you pick a template youll be shown a dialog box that shows you a bigger view of the template. For instance, you might create a template that comes with a drop-down list. You may use any template you download as-is, or youll be able to customize it to fulfill your requirements. Utilizing a resume template is now an acceptable and smart practice for several explanations. A basic resume is also simpler to read. Administration occupations like administrative office assistants and secretaries are essential to the business world. If youre an energetic, inventive individual searching for a challenging, yet rewarding career chance, GPO could possibly be the region for you. The Nuiances of Office Resume Where To Get Additional Help There are lots of sources of information about how to compose the best resume. All you need to do is simply edit the document to include your individual information. Finding meaningful work is quite a bit easier when you understand precisely what you want. Make sure to keep tabs on all your phone calls. The Dos and Donts of Office Resume An office assistant resume needs to demonstrate a wide selection of skills. Its also wise to state in the Office Clerk resume objective that you comprehend the roles expected of a person in your position. Simply take a peek at our assistant shipping receiving clerk resume templates to guide you while you write your very own stellar resume. A good resume would assist with that. What You Should Do to Find Out About Office Resume Before Youre Left Behind Every resume must have a title, summary, and key skills section at the peak of the very first page. All interns could possibly be afforded the chance t o experience each one of the sections of the Coroner Division. Attempt to keep the resume no longer than 1 page, especially if youre asking for an entry-level job. The very first key is to realize how resumes are organized.

Monday, December 2, 2019

3 Ways to Attract Top Talent with Your Employer Branding - Spark Hire

3 Ways to Attract Top Talent with Your Employer Branding - Spark HireWith todays high unemployment rates, many companies believe that anyone would want to work for them. As Talent Puzzle points out in their cleverly crafted infographic(see below), this is not necessarily the case. When hiring new employees we all want to hire the best of the best. In order to attract top talent, there are some things that each company should take into consideration.The key thing to remember is that top talent is looking for more than just a job. The best talent is searching for an outstanding company culture with solid benefits and perks. In order to make aya you are a place where the most excellent employees want to be, you should pay attention to your employer branding.1. CultureIs your company culture pleasant? Are you transparent with your employees and do you encourage an environment that allows your employees to be successful while also fostering a work-life balance?2. PerksCompany perks such a s flexible schedules, free coffee, gym membership reimbursement, and child care services are key items that top talent will be searching for when they are on the job hunt. It may not be possible to do all of these things, but the more you can do, the more competitive you will be with the companies who are attracting top talent away from you now.3. BenefitsDid you know that 3 in 5 Americans would rather spend a night in jail than go without benefits like health insurance, 401K matching, paid time-off and life insurance? According to Talent Puzzle, health benefits are key to most employees. Make sure your benefits package is appealing. By showing a desire to make sure your employees are in good health and have excellent benefits, you will be a desirable company to top talent.Once you have created the type of environment that is appealing to top talent, take a look at your branding. Do your websites, ads, job postings, etc. reflect your company culture? Talent Puzzle points out that ad ding videos to your websites or jobs postings can help to reflect your company culture and attract more candidate views.Attracting top talent is more than just posting a job description. You must first make sure you have a desirable culture with the benefits and perks that employees are looking for.What are some ways you attract top talent? Please share your tips below.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

5 not-fun things no one will tell you about creative jobs

5 leid-fun things no one will tell you about creative jobs5 elend-fun things no one will tell you about creative jobsI only ever had interest in working in creative jobs. I am an artist, writer, and a slew of other creative things that require a lot of time and effort for virtually no money. Choosing a creative career field sounds really cool. I cant tell you how many people say to me, upon finding out that I primarily work in animation, that they are so jealous and my job must be so fun. And tbh, most of the time it totally is. I definitely have a lot mora fun than my friends who work in offices, or are doctors and have lives on the line every day. But there are a lot of things I didnt expect when I became an artist/writer professionally, I wish I knew more going in.Would it have changed anything for me? Not a chance, but thats because the only thing I really like (besides my dog and margaritas) is art. I have to do it either way, so I might as well make a living from it. But if you re ready to quit your 9-5 and pursue a creative job, heres what you should know.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreIts the worst way to make moneyLiving in LA, I cant tell you how many actors Ive met who say things like, Oh I cant wait to be rich and famous, and ride in limos, and have mansions And its said totally un-ironically while theyre serving drinks at happy hour. Heres the thing yes, you can absolutely make money from the arts. I just found out Nikki Sixx of Mtley Cre has a net worth of $45 mill, and his career was like, 10% writing/music and 90% f*cking everything up, according toThe Dirt(could not recommend more btw, watch it immediately). There are many, many artists, musicians, actors, directors, writers, etc. living in mansions and making a ton of money. But that isnt the reason to do it. It is unbelievably hard and soul-sucking to try to make money as a creative of a ny kind, and the chance of making mansion-level money is so difficult and unlikely. There are a million easier ways to make money if thats what you want (I dunno, work in finance). Be an actor because you love acting and you love film or theater. If youre after money and fame, you really just want to be a Kardashian. Also? Im a huge believer that if you work hard and your work is good, money will come. But its not easy and not a guarantee.Youll have to work harderSpeaking of working hard, except for your friend whos a doctor, working in a creative field means youll probably work a lot harder than your friends do- and for a lot less. I regularly work nights and weekends, I dont get vacation days, and I had to start forcing myself to take one day a week off work (which I dont even get every week, tbh) because I developed such severe tendinitis in my drawing arm from overworking it. Meanwhile, most of my friends work regular jobs, get off work at 5 and go to happy hour, spend their wee kends going out or watching Netflix, and theystillmake more money than I do. But creative jobs are fun, right?You wont get job perksIt is possible to get a steady job as a creative, depending on your field. I could work for an animation studio as a full-time employee instead of being freelance, for example. But most creative jobs, even in that case, are project-for-project. Meaning when your TV show (or whatever) ends, you will be unemployed. This causes issues with things like benefits, retirement plans, etc. I am completely self-employed, so not only do I pay out of pocket for benefits (which costs A LOT, BTW), my retirement plan is to just die. I also dont get vacation, sick days, etc. If I cant work, I dont make money. And on top of that, you have to put a lot of money away just in case you get the flu and cant work, so that you can still make your rent for the month.You will be unemployedNo matter how talented you are, in creative jobs, you will always have bouts of unemploymen t. In my experience its always feast or famine- I either have so much work Im not sleeping, or I have no jobs to do, so I have to work super hard to line up more. For this reason, its crucial to save money when you do have an income. I remember being horrified when I interned at a big production studio and found out that even if I was a full-time employee doing my dream job, I should expect to be laid off every nine months. Projects just constantly end or fall through or get canceled. If youre working in a creative field, its important to pick up as many side gigs as you can that earn income consistently.It does kind of ruin itWhen I was in high school, I woke up at 5 am, did full hair and makeup every day, went to class from 7am-2pm, hung out with friends, did homework, and then worked on my art for hours. For fun. Now, my art is my work, and when Im done working, the last thing I want to do is more art. So yeah, doing anything professionally ruins the fun of it. My job is really n ot fun when Ive been awake for 36 hours to meet an insane deadline. The only thing I find fun then issleeping. When you do it as your job, you have added stress you didnt have when it was a hobby. The stakes are higher. That said, the rewards are higher too. There is nothing better than working on a project that you poured your heart and soul into and having it turn out amazing, and then watching your career move forward. It makes it all worth it.So should you look into creative jobs? Only if you love your art enough to pour blood, sweat, tears, and gallons of iced coffee into it. Otherwise, maybe youd rather work a steady job and just play music for fun on the weekendsthats totally acceptable too, and it doesnt make you any less of an artist. Its about figuring out what your optimal dream is for your art. For me, I dont want to spend any time doing anything else. Also, I dont have any other skills anyway. Hopefully this insight will help you figure it out Let me know any other ques tions you have about creative jobs in the commentsThis article originally appeared on Betches.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The What do you do meme shows the perils of small talk

The What do you do meme shows the perils of small talkThe What do you do meme shows the perils of small talkInevitably, at parties, in the office, or in first introductions over coffee, you will come upon the dreaded phrase of networking we resort to when we cannot think of anything more interesting to ask someone we meet for the first time What do you do?Its a phrase that took a new life on Twitter as people reminisced about how the idea of their job description does not always align with strangers ideas of what they dohttps//twitter.com/mrsnixs/status/1004017725826584576Some poked fun at how the question seeks to tie your value to your jobAsking What do you do? can backfire and come off as rudeThe meme reminds us that asking the question of What do you do? in an opening conversation with a stranger can be a risky gambit. It can come off as rude since its placement at the beginning of a conversation assumes that what you do is the most important part of who you are.The conversation that follows a What do you do? can also be a minefield. Thats because we can be creatures filled with self-inflated importance who all believe our job is uniquely difficult. Whenever you speculate and try to relate to an unfamiliar job, it can backfire when you try to explain the job on your own terms, instead of theirs.Most people, who recognize that we are all awkward in different situations, will be forgiving of your attempts to relate to their job with what you know. For people who will be more touchy about it, Postlight co-founder Paul Ford has good advice on how to make the other person feel important when you have nothing to say about their jobWhen you are at a party and are thrust into conversation with someone, see how long you can hold off before talking about what they do for a living. And when that painful lull arrives, be the master of it. I have come to revel in that agonizing first pause because I know that I can push a conversation through, Ford writes. Just ask the other person what they do, and right after they tell you, say Wow. That sounds hard.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Create a Job Description that Entices Candidates to Apply

Create a Job Description that Entices Candidates to ApplyCreate a Job Description that Entices Candidates to ApplyCreate a Job Description that Entices Candidates to Apply ConlanEveryone wants to get the most out of the job description. But in this highly competitive recruiting landscape, how can your job ad really stand out to the people you want to apply?In short, job descriptions should be unique and communicate what the role and employer offer, says Mikaela Kiner, founder and CEO of UniquelyHR in Seattle. Too many job descriptions have a cookie-cutter feel to them and are nearly identical except for the company name, she says.Just as a resume needs to convey a dynamic story about the applicant, an eye-catching ad should say something special about the company who posted it, says Kiner.Heres how to create a job description that will help your company stand out.Tap the Person in the JobA great way to capture the jobs details is to have the person currently in the role write the fir st draft, says Lela Reynolds, senior career consultant at New York City-based Resume Strategists. The supervisorin should also weigh in on any required job skills or experiences.Include all the information a candidate needs to get a clear picture of the job, such as the core job duties of the positions and the skills needed to complete them. Describe the role clearly enough that candidates can picture a day in the life, Kiner says.The more specific you can be, the better, says Reynolds. Include information about the size of the team, who the position reports to, whether travel is involved and what the key deliverables are for the position.Be Specific and Avoid ClichesGive people a clear idea of what its like to work at your company. Youll want to include information about the companys mission as well as what its like to work there.Include language that shows whats unique about the company, Kiner says, such as its values or vision.This is especially important if your organization isn t a household name, she adds.As much as you can, avoid cliches, Kiner says. So many companies say theyre fast-paced or are working with rapid growth that the terms can lose their meanings. Using a generic term like rapid growth could mean things you dont want to imply, such as long hours or uncertainty when large groups of people are hired at once.Take the time to come up with descriptive terms that capture your company brand.Dont Forget to Include aGreat CloseA good job description should include clear information about compensation, benefits and opportunities for advancement in the company - especially benefits that help make your company stand out. Outline any special perks or benefits your company offers to seal the deal.End with a good closing line. Most employers include great descriptions of the summary of the job but dont include the persuasive touch at the end of the description, says Ahmed Elsayyad of Elsayyad Medical Group, a healthcare recruiting firm. Mentioning genero us salaries and benefits or the potential for growth in the future can give the job description the hook that gets qualified candidates to apply, he says.